Great Expectations campaign


Great Expectations


We have great expectations for what we can do together.

Thank you! This community has stepped up once again to support kids. Together, we can help local youth succeed from cradle to career.

Funds raised support the Great Expectations Initiative’s wide range of education and youth programs and supports offered in the Orono and Wayzata School Districts as well as the Initiative’s broad work with partners throughout the community. Your support helps to ensure every child in our community has access to educational opportunities, from cradle to career. Your gift today will support:

  • scholarships to quality early childhood care and education
  • relationship-building with caring adults
  • funding for extracurricular and personal development opportunities
  • backpacks stuffed with fresh school supplies
  • …and so much more

Key Interfaith Outreach programs of the Great Expectations Initiative include: Caring for Kids, the Neighborhood Program, the Back to School Drive and the Great Opportunities Scholarship Fund.

Give Great Expectations

Great Expectations has great impact.


Your investment will create life-changing opportunities like these:

  • $65 provides one student school supplies for a fresh start back to school
  • $100 helps a child participate in one season of community soccer
  • $335 provides a child one week of quality child care through the Caring for Kids program
  • $490 provides a child a semester of piano lessons
  • $975 staffs and supplies one Neighborhood Program site for one month where youth build relationships with caring adults and access opportunities

Listen Great Expectations

Listen to individual stories & experiences:

Read the research:

Speak Out Great Expectations

Join your voice with others in support of local kids!

Engage your family, friends, book club or faith community

Host a virtual or in-person conversation and screening:

Contact elected officials and let them know why this matters to you!

To do so, check out these partner advocacy plans:

Practice being a brave bystander

About the Great Expectations Initiative

The Great Expectations Initiative is our community’s collaborative response to educational inequities.

Anchored by Interfaith Outreach and the Orono and Wayzata School Districts, Great Expectations helps ensure that every child in our community has access to educational opportunities—from cradle to career.

We do so by aligning and coordinating partners around common goals, facilitating communication and collaboration, and leveraging community resources to change conditions in order to ensure equitable access to educational opportunities.

For nearly a decade, Great Expectations has helped strengthen the entire “ecosystem of support”—families, teachers, schools, community members and organizations—that is needed to bring about true, systemic changes and educational equity for all kids and families in our community.

We have great expectations for what we can do together.

And Great Expectations has great impact.

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